
The Garden's Plan

definition of "grow" (from the dictionary)

[groh]  verb, grew, grown, grow·ing.
verb (used without object)
1. to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part by assimilation of nutriment; increase in size or substance.
2. to form and increase in size by a process of inorganic accretion, as by crystallization.
3. to arise or issue as a natural development from an original happening, circumstance, or source: Our friendship grew from common interests. increase gradually in size, amount, etc.; become greater or larger; expand: His influence has grown. become gradually attached or united by or as if by growth: The branches of the trees grew together, forming a natural arch.

The farm is all about growing—obviously the vegetables we plant, 
but also about our own growth. Others have written about how
 "gardening can be considered a metaphor for life." 
And the more time and effort we spend farming, the more we understand this. 
Executive Chef John Toulze has talked before about how "farming teaches us how to cook," as we pay attention to the seasons of the farm which may or may not 
fit the season as we expect. The ongoing work at the farm teaches us patience in broader ways as well—applied as we work the land, plant the seeds 
and tend our plants as they grow according to their own plan. 

John planting seeds for cover crops
some growing better than others
Then like most important lessons in life, the patience we bring 
to this project somehow becomes a greater part of our lives. 
"The thing about gardening is that you realize you can’t rush things. 
A seed takes a certain amount of time to sprout, no matter what you do."
the collard plants seem to be thriving

broccoli starting to grow

"A plant or tree takes a certain amount of time to grow, flower, 
or bear fruit, no matter what you do—some things grow as we intend, others do not." 
This may seem like a simple concept, but it is often challenging 
to apply to other areas of our lives. 
Which is why gardening is a good reminder to us in how to live. 
Because the garden has its own planand the plants, with perhaps 
a bit of help from us, and a lot of nurturing from nature will grow as they will.
Some plants are flourishing at the farm and some are not doing as well.
the lower beds when they were just planted
most of the plants are beginning thriving
but we are not sure about the beets yet
This is especially true at this time of year. 
We worked hard to get the winter crops planted before the rains 
especially the cover crops necessary to nourish the soil 
throughout the winter in preparation for spring planting. 
the clover beds will do well this winter
and most of the vegetables in the lower beds
should soon be on the menu at the girl & the fig
radishes are always growing at the farm
photo by Steven Krause
to keep up with demand for our heirloom radish starter,
perennial favorite on the menu at "the fig."
Chinese snow peas 
and our lush kale always thrives at the farm

on the menu now at the girl & the fig:
braised short rib, yukon gold potato croquettes, braised kale, natural jus

Do you find gardening meditative? 
Does your time in the garden help you clear your head or find creative solutions? 
Or, does it just help you relax as you muse on what to cook with what you grow?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I know what you mean. Getting lost in work in the garden frequently clears my head and then I find something I was struggling with has more clarity. I will be interested to see how the farm fares through this winter.
