
Fruits and veggies

beans and melons co-exist in the beds
in the Orchard at the farm
The official line, as well as what your mother told you is 
"Eat your fruits and vegetables." Research shows why it is good advice:

  • Healthy diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.
  • Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health.
  • Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling.
  • psst: and they are delicious, right?

Ever wonder how many fruits and vegetables you should eat? 
Although of course, if you are as lucky as we are, 
having the farm or access to great Farmers Markets, 
we eat as many fruits and vegetables as we can, just because they taste so good.

So, while we've been caught up in our vegetables,
it seemed like a good time to put some focus on the fruits we have at the farm. 
some of the trees in
Orchard in early spring
Our orchard, which is about 1.5 acres has 49 fruit trees including 
5 varieties of peaches, 7 varieties of nectarines, 4 varieties of plums, 
4 varieties of pluots, 3 varieties of apricots, 2 kinds of apples, 
3 kinds of pears, two fig and two persimmon trees and a jujube tree. 
It can be quite beautiful, very fragrant and 
pretty delicious in the Orchard when it is in bloom.
Pluot almost ready to be picked
Last season's apple blossoms
are so beautiful 
And this year, things are getting started. As you see at the Farmers Markets, 
the apricots seem to be the first to burst out, and ours are very happy. 
In fact, we were surprised and delighted this year to find 
that the one apricot tree in the Insectary over by 
the vegetable beds is very ripe and abundant. 
Last year we got maybe 10 apricots total off that tree. 
The other day, we picked 50 lbs of fruit already, 
so that bodes well for our apricot bounty. 
Apricot tree in the Insectary
Adds color and attracts those good bugs

Of course one of all the bugs that are attracted to our Insectary 
are important for our biodynamic farm to flourish. 
This week, June 17-23 we especially celebrate 
these "good guys"--it's National Pollinator Week
one of our prolific apricot trees in the Orchard
And our chefs couldn't resist putting the apricots on the menu right away.
This week's plat du jour features ENTRÉE of spinach salad with
grilled apricots, bacon lardons, candied pecans, maple vinaigrette
and here are those same apricots at your table!
Arctic Star Nectarines looking good
The rare Indian Blood Peach is not yet ripe
but when it is, the flesh is a rich red 
Blenheim apricots are prolific
Naturally, not all the fruit trees ripen at the same time.
The apricots are the stars now and the plums and pluots are just getting started.
Since Pluots are cross between apricots and plums,
we may see them before the plums, but after the apricots!
Apples, pears and the fig tree will be our late summer and fall gems
We won't be eating these Pink Lady Apples
for awhile
and the Pear trees are
taking their right time
first one of our
Celestial figs!

We stumbled upon this informative but fun calendar "freshness" disc 
that helps you determine what's in season when. 
Obviously this varies depending on where you are, but it's a good overview. 
None of us are probably eating fresh-off-the-vine tomatoes in December! 

There we are, back to tomatoes (visions of these beauties on our plate 
are never far from our mind these days...almost there), 
but we can mention them in a post about fruits, 
"The confusion about 'fruit' and 'vegetable' arises because 
of the differences in usage between scientists and cooks. 
Scientifically speaking, a tomato is definitely a fruit. 
True fruits are developed from the ovary in the base of the flower, 
and contain the seeds of the plant." 
So, tomatoes like blueberries and raspberries are considered a fruit. 
As far as cooks are concerned, it seems tomatoes fall into the vegetable category
 because they are used in savory cooking more often than sweet. 
So, I suppose you could say that the very popular tomato watermelon salad 
at the girl & the fig is a "fruit salad!" 

And speaking of raspberries, they are the other fruit
we have growing in the lower farm beds,
so our fruits are not all concentrated in the Orchard area
did you know the "white" raspberries are not as tart
as the more common red ones
but we will be enjoying both soon
the raspberries love this spot in the lower quad of the farm
And, then we do have some veggies going in the Orchard beds
we will grow beans, cucumbers and melons
in the Orchard beds
We mix it up at the farm, just like we all are supposed to do with our diets
Makes for great balance, and that's what it's all about, right?

Let's do the hokey pokey and celebrate our fruits and veggies!

What fruits are you finding at the Farmers Markets these days?
Have any favorite recipes to share?

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