
Garden Love

courtesy of 
Every day at the farm is a new discovery of what's ripened, what's ready to pick. 
The whimsical graphic of Life's lessons" from the garden 
really gets to the heart of the relationship.
Basil "bouquet" gift from the farm 

Summer love: You and your garden—us and our farm. 
These are the long days of summer when you can really enjoy each other.
All your hard work planning and prepping and planting 
and now the garden is giving back to you. 

Matt from Local Landscapers and
Executive Chef John Toulze planting 800 tomatoes
summer love back at us!
these flowers are part of our
farm romance

And then, of course, there's just the part about 
how good everything tastes freshly picked from the farm.
Or, the mystery and then discovery of gathering your produce, 
whether it is from the garden or the farmers market, 
surveying your bounty and deciding what to cook. 
Our chefs enjoy figuring this out for you each day 
when we bring them what's freshest at the farm.
Plat du Jour features California sea bass with
garden purple potato purée, grilled garden squash, citrus beurre blanc

Gardening is really all about discoveries. 
Not only the "what can I make with what I've grown," 
but all the life lessons we have mused on beforepatience, experimenting
Another perk of gardening is the exposure to new varieties 
you may not have seen or tried before. 
And, when you grow your own food, you know what goes into it, 
how it's fertilized and its overall care. It is cost effective, and good exercise—anyone 
who says that gardening is not aerobic has never 
prepped a garden bed, raked leaves or shoveled compost! 

And of course, there are fewer chemicals and less 
distance traveled to get the food on your plate.
 We are proud to support our local farmers who supplement 
what we grow at our farm in our effort 
to bring the most local food to you at our tables. 
Here are some more reasons why you should grow your own food.

If you already are doing this, then even as you are 
in summer love with your garden, you may be 
thinking ahead to a plan for fall garden (already??).
Here's a great tool (on the computer rather than in the shed) to help you prepare.

What are you growing in your garden?
And what do you love most about gardening?

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